Part One: Do we need a discipleship pathway? 1% growth in engaged parishioners (i.e. disciples) at your church results in 10%+ growth in volunteer hours and increased offertory. Disciples spend more time in prayer and study, are more generous, and actively...
Closed Parishes Have Prompted Imaginative Ways to Evangelize | Encounter Grow Inform People Profiles 2020 has been a tumultuous year. In March, COVID-19 hit the US and was projected to last only a few weeks, then the lockdown extended to a few months. It’s been over...
5 Tips to Identify and Nurture Potential Evangelization Leaders Encounter Grow Inform People Profiles Evangelization is a lot more than talking about God to another person, but this is a good start. Evangelization takes time, a lot of conversation, and shared...
6 Simple Steps to Make the Most of Small Groups Encounter Grow Inform People Profiles At the heart of the Church’s New Evangelization directive is to ‘go and make disciples.’ Many churches host small groups to connect with current parishioners and newcomers who are...
Get Creative With Evangelization Encounter It is finally Spring in the Midwest – a time when people start coming out of their houses to enjoy the warmer weather, longer days, and resume outdoor activities. But Spring 2020 is much different. Streets are eerily empty....