Jesus – Our Model for Ministry
This season presents its challenges, and it would be easy to become overwhelmed. Yet we are radiant in hope because Jesus goes before us to show us the way!
As we ponder how God wants to transform our community of faith, how can we learn from Jesus’ example?

#1. Take time for prayer
Prayer…it doesn’t seem like “doing” anything. But in Jesus’ short time of ministry – instead of making full use of his time for preaching, teaching, and healing – the Gospels record that he spent long hours in prayer.
How is God calling you into prayer in this season?
#2. Invest in relationships
He could have, but Jesus chose not to minister alone. Jesus had his 3 (his inner circle of Peter, James, and John), his 12 (the Apostles, those he lived with, taught, and ministered with), and his 72 (committed disciples invited into ministry).
It is impossible to invest in everyone to the same degree. Thank goodness Jesus shows us a more sustainable model. Who are the 3, the 12, and the 72 who will partner with you in life and ministry?
#3. Act with intention
Matt 28:19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Jesus has made it wonderfully simple, though we know it isn’t easy. Knowing he is with you, how are you called to “go and make disciples” this season?
Identify one major initiative, and invest disproportionately in that.
Mission Pathways exists to help you form a parish community of engaged, joy-filled disciples.
Count on us as your partner at every step, from building your evangelization strategy to making the parish a hub for encountering Christ and growing in relationship with him as a community.
We’re here for you!
Discipleship Resources
Pueblo Catholic: Pathways for Discipleship
Catholic Missionary Discipleship:
A Pathway of Discipleship